VEF Blog

Titre du blog : animaux
Auteur : peaceanimal12
Date de création : 13-02-2014
posté le 13-02-2014 à 22:28:07

The Elephants

They are 100 elephants  killed in Africa, lots  of them are being poached in front  of  they  families, there trucks  are being  ripped  off for  the  international  market . If  we don't  help them they will  be  no  more  in less  then 5 years.They are about  50,000 elephants  being  poached  each year. For international market  but  normaly China 


What  politics  say:

“This is a multibillion pound business that not only symbolises the damage being wreaked to our planet’s environment and diversity but has also fuelled organised crime and destabilised the security of entire regions.”


 Such a plan must include a comprehensive agreement to stop the sale of stockpiles of products like ivory, as well as measures to reduce demand for them and incentivise communities in desperately poor parts of the world to protect rather than poach.

 They are around  12 billion illegal  wildlife trade today

  fourth biggest illegal trade after narcotics, human trafficking and counterfeiting. 

 Thanks  for  reading and  for your  time

Merci  pour  votre temp  et  aide  les gens  a comprendre