VEF Blog

Titre du blog : animaux
Auteur : peaceanimal12
Date de création : 13-02-2014
posté le 17-02-2014 à 17:06:10


A  healthy young male giraffe whas  shoot  dead  in  a  zoo  to feed  the  zoo carnivores. The  Zoo  keeper sore  the  giraffe  in front of the  crowd many  childrens  was  there!, the zoo keper  feed  it  to  the  lions ,then later  say  "Giraffes today breed very well, and when they do you have to choose and make sure the ones you keep are the ones with the best genes,"


What  did the  the  animal  defense  say :  UK's Yorkshire Wildlife Park offered to take in Marius. "It just shows that the zoo is in fact not the ethical institution that it wants to portray itself as being, because here you have a waste product—that being Marius,"


 I can't believe it," adds the director of a Netherlands wildlife park. "We offered to save his life


Thanks  for   reading and for your  times 




peaceanimal12 le 21-02-2014 à 23:08:59
Merci bonne soiree
Anotherstick le 20-02-2014 à 22:44:55