VEF Blog

Titre du blog : animaux
Auteur : peaceanimal12
Date de création : 13-02-2014
posté le 20-02-2014 à 21:14:10


So  lets learn  more about them, they  recognize when  a  member  of group  is  stressed they  comfort  in form  of  a  touch chirping noises. Is  what  research  of  National Geographic. say .

Comforting  is  rare  among  animals .  In thailand reseach  study Asian  Elephants  show  sign  of  distress flared nostrils and an erect tail, other will  follow  the  other elephants , the  suport  elephant will  put  their  trucks  in  the  stressed  elephants  mouth  make noises akin to chirps


Putting their trunks in the other's mouth, meanwhile, "seems to be a way of saying, 'I'm here to help you.'" (National Geographic likens it to a hug.) 


Reasearch  will  hope that elephant  behavious  will help conversation  efforts as human  and  elephants habitats move ever closer together


Merci pour  votre  temp