VEF Blog

Titre du blog : animaux
Auteur : peaceanimal12
Date de création : 13-02-2014
posté le 28-02-2014 à 20:43:25


Seals arebeing maimed and killed by ships’ propellers and ministers are breaking the law by doing nothing to save them, according to a panel of leading wildlife groups.

 The  National  trust ,Wildlife trust and  other  companys join to help the seals  and dolphins    Conservation group in writing to the UK and Scottish parliaments demanding immediate action to protect the animals. 


For  years experts and  fisherman have being finding the corpses of harbour seals  wash  up to the  east of Scotland cut edges.  

with horrific “corkscrew injuries” – gaping wounds spiralling down their bodies from head to tail with deep, clear-cut edges.

The government agency Marine Scotland has commissioned research into the cause of these injuries from St Andrews’ Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU), but in their letter activists warned this process is taking too long.

In the SMRU's latest report on the issue, they said that not only are propellers highly likely to be reason for the unusual injuries, but that they all occur in the same way - starting on the face.

Means  that  seals  are swimming head  first into  lowslow moving or  stationary  vessels .  

 .Merci  pour votre temp  et merci  pour  lire